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Microsoft is giving away job openings. Check it out!


The company Microsoft is considered of great renown within the technology market, since its greatest use is made from software development, also having many technological resources, which are used all over the world. Since its creation in 1975, all its effort and development has been focused on the market of technological advances, with increasingly innovative and agile resources, since it needs to have the latest generation models so that users can enjoy the best technologies in the world. time.

Its initial role as a company was to provide BASIC system interpreters for the MITS Altair 8800 computers. All other innovations present today were created from that initial kick that the company gave, but the great highlight behind the name that has today, thanks to the creation of the Windows system in 1985.


However, the company also started to make investments to strengthen the application of its field of activity, acquiring other business brands for agreement such as Skype in 2011, Yammer in 2012, Nokia in 2013, GitHub in 2018 and the most current Nuance in 2022. these partnerships, the world scenario of most powerful companies, created by The Global 2002 in Forbs, began to change, with Microsoft fitting in tenth place in the 2022 edition, with an estimated value of approximately U$ 2,054 billion.

If you are interested in being part of the Microsoft family, this is the ideal time to participate in the selection process and apply for a job at one of the largest multinational companies in existence. The company has vacancies open for hiring in several countries, since it has offices around the world. Take advantage of the opportunity that is being offered to you and start working with this new world of technology and Microsoft innovations now!
